Played it before and wrote it off because I thought it was too difficult.
Gave it another shot recently and It's now one of my favorite souls-like games.

Granted I still have a few gripes about the game, such as:
- Most of the later maps are a bit labyrinthine in structure and it's really easy to get lost when trying to traverse to new areas
- Plenty of shortcuts made for the medbay (this game's bonfire), but good luck remembering them
- Block/parry system is abit jank, sometimes your blocks will register and you can counter-attack and sometimes the enemies' attacks will go through your block like a knife through butter.
- Difficulty scaling for enemies is a bit ridiculous come later levels (looking at you bloodhound robots).

Other than that, the setting, the combat, the various weapon types to choose from and the move sets that they have for each I pretty much enjoyed. The story is not much to write home about, but there's much worse stories out there. The game did it's job, and I more than recommend this game for anyone looking to scratch that souls-like itch.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
