Jump, jump! Slide, slide!

I think Mega Man 8 is always going to signify the game that made me stop listening to Mega Man fans other than myself. This is supposed to be the one that most people are mixed on? What planet am I on?

The mainline Mega Man series makes its first and only appearance on the PS1 here, and I don't know how much happier I could've been with it. The 32-bit visuals are colorful, eye-wateringly gorgeous, and as inviting as ever. The voice acting that Capcom saw fit to add due to the newfound power of the PS1... not so much, but it's so astonishingly bad that it loops right back around to being vaguely charming. Megaman feels wonderful to control, with a small but effective selection of traversal moves (the Rush Cycle?!?) and a fantastic arsenal of new boss weapons. This may also have one of the strongest scores in the entire mainline series—a collection of synthy, airy, and at times pulse-pounding tracks that perfectly accompany this game's imaginative stages. Speaking of that, Mega Man 8 probably has my favorite collection of Robot Masters thus far, and so many of the set pieces just... flat out rule, especially the shmup section in Tengu Man's stage.

I'll admit this though. The detractors are right about one thing. Those snowboarding sections are the worst.

Yeah, I don't know. I probably just rambled a lot, but hopefully I got my point across. I would've never dreamed this would become my 2nd favorite mainline Mega Man game.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
