Really good game now. I haven't played it before when it was supposedly buggy, but now it feels polished enough. There are still some minor bugs, but nothing major or game breaking happened in my playthrough.

There are dialogues with multiple options that lead to different outcomes. There are multiple ways to approach combat, stealth, hacky, loud. The most fun for me is going loud, the shooting mechanics feel very good.

I actually liked most characters except V. Something about the way he speaks doesn't sit well with me(subjective, I know). I kind of wish the whole game was played from Johny's perspective, I really grew to enjoy him and the sections you play as him.

Quest lines are deep and pretty lengthy. I kept getting myself intrigued by them. They felt worth my time to me.

The city itself is also beautiful. Will come back at some point for Phantom Libery.

Only thing I don't enjoy is lore being told through messages/notes. I don't like that in any game. Maybe it's a me thing, but I don't like to stop reading 1-3 pages of text for a bit of story/lore. I like it when it's presented as a conversation. (I don't like audio logs in general either).

I do recommend this game. Story and gameplay warrant at least a playthrough, BUT I actually recommend having a quick look at what you need to do to unlock the secret ending so you don't find yourself locked out of it(like I did). Seems to be the best one and it's a... well, secret.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
