Pretty solid game that dabbles with the story of an alternative history where the Nazis won the Second World War. The game has a very gritty atmosphere, and has impactful storytelling which does use cutscenes to move the plot along, kind of an immersion breaker compared to how stories were told in other first person games I have played. Not as much player choice that affects the game as a whole, but you are forced to make a difficult decision related to some side characters that is ultimately pretty inconsequential. Gameplay is pretty good, with a "perk system" that allows you to unlock passive abilities upon completing certain challenges. Sometimes, you are given an option to clear an area stealthily, but it is certainly not Dishonored level of stealth gameplay. Guns feel pretty powerful and satisfying to use against Nazi scum, especially when dual-wielding them. Not much side content contained within the game, apart from some more challenging versions of the campaign.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
