Being both gay and not a furry, I'll admit, this really did nothing for me. But I very much respect the people at Furlough for their improvement over their previous title, and commitment to doing what they clearly feel very deeply for.

As stated above, I'm not a furry nor attracted to women for the most part, so I figured I'd ask my boyfriend his take on the designs. While he claims not to be a furry, I've seen enough large-breasted wolf women in his X (née Twitter) likes to know he'd be the one to ask. Unfortunately, all I could get from him was "Fuck you you stupid asshole why do you keep unironically reviewing porn games", so I can't say for sure how a boob liker would judge the art. What I can say, however, is that the overall art direction has been largely improved from Furry Shades of Gay just stylistically.

The writing is also improved this time around. Now, the characters are given a bit of time to establish themselves before smashing. The stories are also largely focused on the woman's point-of-view, which is fairly uncommon for heterosexual eroge, at least in my experience. Again, gay top man here, so none of it is really to my taste, but artistically I do enjoy the breath of fresh air, seeing a perspective I often am not aware of.

The standout story is hands-down the plumber one. Like, I'm not kidding, I was genuinely laughing at points, it just kinda nails the comedy, and the twist at the end had me rolling. Really good stuff.

In short, while Sex and the Furry Titty is not for me, I would recommend it for those who are into the subject matter, and if I were a furry, I'd consider myself lucky to have developers like Furlough in the space.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
