This game is a technical and narrative mess, but I can't say I didn't have fun playing it. The in-engine cutscenes are something else.

I'm glad I got it for free, because this game is the definition of disappointment. The game starts off with an interesting premise, but slowly you start to see the cracks.

The plot stagnates very quickly, side quests are promising at first, but disappointing once you keep progressing through the quest lines. The 'Creation Engine 2' is the same outdated engine we've been seeing since Skyrim, and it shows. From the awful optimization on PC to the erratic NPC behavior from both friendly and enemy entities, the game does everything it can to let you know it's built on a 27 year old engine patched with some duct tape.

Around the 20 hour mark this game has nothing else to keep you going, and that's very sad to see from the people who made games like Oblivion or Skyrim possible.

After playing (and dropping) Starfield, I have absolutely no fate for TES VI or any other game by Todd's team.