When I got into Pokemon as a kid, Ruby and Sapphire were the newest games to come out, and I'd always wanted to play them. Unfortunately, my parents weren't really good at telling which games were which and neither was I. We got the wrong game twice, and I never had the heart to tell them that as a kid. I didn't want to appear ungrateful, or make them feel like they'd let me down- I still loved the games they got me! And so I stayed quiet for a long time and lost my chance to pick them up before they got exorbitantly expensive.

This remake is a childhood dream come true for me. It's almost everything I imagined the originals would be as a kid. I'm sure it has it's problems. I'm sure it has flaws. But, god damn it, I'm just so happy to be able to finally play the game and have it be THIS good. There's a lot of cool setpieces in this game. The pokemon are probably my favorite generation of them ever. The environments look really good. The music is full of banger after banger. Yes this review is biased as hell, but I really think this is a solid game to pick up if the Pokemon formula is interesting to you.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
