This game was made was made during the more "actiony" era of the resident evil franchise (aka re5 and re6) with this game bringing back the horror, and it balances horror and survival/action alot better then i thought. the enemy designs are grotesque and eerie, the atmosphere is dim and scary, and mostly liminal. While it does feel less spooky because your with Parker most of the time, the game lets parker drift away from you and let him be in one area so you can be on your own during the more horror focused bits. The story is quite mediocre and average, with one sided characters that lack any real depth, and a confusing story that at the end of the day dosn't add anything apart from a bit of content to re5. The rush mode is fun, even if the combat in this game isn't anything special. The enemy variety also sucks. Still pretty good for a spinoff, but not anything all that special, either. As I write this I plan on playing resident evil revelations 2 as well so.. If your into the re spinoffs and don't know where to start, you should probably pick up this game, you might have a pretty fun time with it.
Edit 23/10/2023 I finished the game and holy shit were those last few episodes chaotic. pretty average but fun game, needs more content though

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
