Sent to death row, James Earl Cash was thought to have been laid to waste. Instead, he shifts through the shadows systemically snuffing out those that dwell within the darkness that rules them. Given a second chance at life by an exploitative ex film director, your his #1 star in a game of his own twisted design.

The beauty of Manhunt lies in the way in which the gameplay and world merge into an adrenaline pumping feedback loop. One that requires the player to use that in which they fear, revival and are threatened by, and become it. Starting off, your forced to take out vile xenophobes and unpredictable psychos in disturbingly grotesque fashion. By the end, you'll be mowing through hundreds of scumbags, smiling maniacally as you tear down the nightmarish organization that unleashed you.

Known as Lionel Starkweather, the director taunts you throughout the game, imploring you to push the violence further. To kill more, and to do it better. You more than just become desensitized, each murder becomes an almost cathartic release of tension. One that becomes the drive for players to not just complete the game, but to replay it and improve there score.

Standing as a defining piece of my gaming life, Manhunt is a fascinating first hand look into the cycle of violence and an interactive experience that so far has been unmatched. I began playing with a sick feeling in my stomach, and now still go back to it in order to perfect my score, reviling in the adrenaline it still gives me. The game certainly isn't perfect, with simple mechanics and repetitive gameplay, but one I undoubtedly recommend for those that are up for it.

The PC version sucks however, with most Windows 10 users facing an un progress-able glitch on the second level. Until Rockstar fixes their game and gives us a product that actually functions, the review stands as a thumbs down despite me recommending the game. To combat this and other possible issues, try this guide and the linked patch:

Or play the game on consoles, because it's worth it in whatever form you can get your hands on.

*review directly taken from my Steam profile

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2022
