"Product of Its Time vs. MW2"

Story: The story was fun at the start when you went back in time. But over the course of the game the reasoning behind what you were doing just began to drag. There wasn't enough substance to hold your attention through the short runtime. The characters at the time might have been funny, but in todays games they would be considered annoying. Definitely not worth your time running through more than once. Simplified version of the story is bomb goes boom back in the 1940's. Then comes modern day component when you have to find said bomb to make it not go boom again.

Gameplay: The shooting is actually decent for being a game from 2010. There is no prone which is a shakeup from the traditional COD and Battlefield games. But that is mostly what the game consists of. Glorified target practice because the enemies are dumb, but they do do heavy damage even on normal difficulty. Vehicle segments perform rather poor. The one gameplay element that sets BFBC2 apart at the time was the destruction. but even its implication of it is in predetermined chucks when you decide to destroy things. Online is where the gameplay shines. It makes the basic destruction and other components fun when others are involved.

Multiplayer: Online on PC contains the annoyance of its anti-cheat not working properly out of the box. But there are many fixes online for that. None of which I wasted my time with. But when I played the online back when it came out on Xbox 360. It was a blast to play. Being one of my first online full scale experiences. This game conations some of the best designed Battlefield maps ever made. And conations the best implantations of the Rush gamemode on said maps. The unlock progression system doesn't hold up to todays standards but it gets the job done. The player base is small now, but it is still there. Much more of a fun experience to play than the campaign that is for sure.

Graphics: They don't hold up to well today. Due to the older version of the Frostbite Engine. But they get the job done. The color palette through the game is very muted which doesn't help. And many assets are reused heavily throughout the game. Both online and offline. The environments and and objects/buildings feel very empty both in the sense of clutter and texture detail. Gun models might be the only decent visual in the game.
Audio: The sound design was game changer when it released. But doesn't hold up today either. Partially due to the repetitive soundboard. There are much better sounding Battlefield games out that's for sure.

Performance/Bugs: The game should run at a high refresh rate on any modern pc now matter the graphical settings or resolution. When it came to bugs the only noticeable ones where random bits of geometry popping in/out and such. And audio effects clipping. The heaviest bug was at multiple times at the end of a level my PC would lock up on the loading screen. Forcing me to restart my PC and restarting at the previous checkpoint.

Worth The Money?: Yes (On Sale)
Estimated Completion Time: 5 Hours
Final Rating: 6/10

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023
