Starfield is a game that caused a LOT of people to show their arse. From simple randos on Twitter who like PlayStation or Xbox a little too much to reviewers at almost every outlet online to those really fucking weird aggregator accounts that post all the review scores when a game comes out and definitely need their hard drive checked - arses were shown. Everyone picked a side. Starfield was either Microsoft's big 2023 exclusive that would knock the spots off everything else on the market OR it was an absolute affront to God - one of the worst games ever made.

The reason people lost their heads is because it was neither. It offered them no additional ammunition in their embarrassing console war shenanigans. Starfield was merely fine. It was the tried-and-tested (and million selling, of course) Bethesda RPG formula, only in space, with a few extra, new things bolted onto it of varying quality.

That's all it was ever going to be. That's all it needed to be. There's nothing wrong with merely being an okay videogame, unless you're looking for a reason for that to be an issue. It's FINE. Unless you wanted it to be the best/worst game ever.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
