It is unfortunate that Dark Forces is a bit of a dickhead to get running in 2021, with one abandoned attempt at a source port creating a myriad of bugs (enemies shooting through walls and doors!) and another WIP one not having important features like "enemy AI" switch on yet, I had to settle on some wild script that binded PgUp and PgDn to my mouse so I could get some sort of mouselook going.

Totally worth the hassle. With the exception of the sewer filled Anoat City level, Dark Forces is a bunch of tightly designed shooter maps, full of traps and puzzles and a variety of weapons that would satisfy any classic shooter fan. The fact that they're all part of a wonderfully authentic Star Wars experience just elevates them to something a bit special. Yes, it might be dated not only visually but also in regards to controls but when great midi renditions of that John Williams music and those instantly recognisable blaster sounds hit just right, the grey, pixelated blocks that apparently make up Nar Shaddaa suddenly make you feel like you're right there, cutting about its dark alleyways and into Imperial ran areas and seeing the noticeable shift in enemy type, you're bloody well IN Star Wars. The good Star Wars. The type of Star Wars some people dedicate their lives to being fans of.

When I finished this game I was suddenly absolutely raging that Disney binned all of this stuff.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021
