Doom WADs as punk political satire is something I can get behind.

Some cool reworkings of classic Doom monsters and weapons lurk inside a single, giant map. I'm not a huge fan of this style of Doom map but once it began to show how it all ties together it quickly won me over. It is essentially split into a load of different challenges within the big map. Some are better than others and these tend to be the ones that lean into the whole fuck the tories thing the most. The first firefight with a ThatcherDemon, for instance, was great fun.

My only issues were that I found some inconsistency in what surfaces were useable, either via the use key or shooting at them, and that there were a few sections that really dried up the ammo, which sucked the momentum out of the action for a bit too long. I thought this was because I was on UV, but I've seen similar things happening to people playing on lower difficulties too.

3D: Digital Doom Daddy has some of the most bullshit placement of Revenants and Archviles this side of Dario Casali, which is a talent that should be applauded and looked upon with sheer disgust in equal measure.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2021
