SCENE: Local Gamestop. CLERK is processing a pile of games from CHILD, looking to sell them but really in a sense more looking to get them out of his house forever. Especially this MISERABLE POS.

CLERK: "OK, last one...

CLERK sets aside some licensed game to reveal MISERABLE POS.


CHILD: "Nooooo! No-no-no-no-no. I quit."

CLERK: "Goddamn man, I was gonna say 'let me shake your hand'."

CHILD and CLERK share a knowing laugh at the MISERABLE POS. Neither will ever believe that anyone could willfully finish this game, even though one day a video website will exist where multiple people will upload full clears of it. It will not look any better in this future than it did back in the day.

(NOTE: in my scale a 3 means "I don't regret this," and I do not regret playing this game because it let me see the awed horror in this grown man's face at the thought that it was possible to get past the second dog level.)

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
