This is a checks notes Shakespearean-themed magical girl turn-based RPG from the makers of Cosmic Star Heroine, which I played last year. They market this game as a more bite-sized RPG, clocking in between 5 and 10 hours for most people, with a much lower price point to match. It's an alright game. They use a lot of the same mechanics from Cosmic Star Heroine, and combined with the shorter time frame means you're constantly getting new abilities and moves, which is nice. The graphics are pretty well done, and there's a good diversity between party members. As for the plot it's... kinda dumb. I think if you're a big fan of Shakespeare you'd enjoy yourself, but I can't say that describes me. There's some funny moments, but events just blow past without much impact. You only actually control the characters in the various "dungeons", otherwise you just watch cutscenes play. I don't regret getting it, but it's an average entry.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2023
