There's nonstop action from start to finish. It's not very long, you could probably beat it in about 6-7 hours if you're taking it slow. The shortness is definitely not a negative and I would consider it a strength since it feels perfectly paced with its story and the way your weapon and move arsenal evolves. It's crazy fun from the very first mission to the very last boss fight with really no downtime in between to slow your pace down. The music is really great, all the boss soundtracks are standouts and the boss fights themselves are the most creative and engaging parts of it for me. The real meat of this game for me is the gameplay, busing combos, dodges, and parrying enemies is very satisfying and second to only a game like "Sekiro" which was probably partially inspired by this game. My only complaints are of the stealth and some minor combat things. Metal Gear is a franchise about stealth and this game has some sections that try to keep that going but since the game isn't mainly focused and built for stealth it ends up being really clunky, awkward, and just not fun. Thankfully theres only a handful of short sections where stealth is required and most of the time you can just ignore it. Maybe in the future I'll figure something out that I missed but enemies with guns and other ballistic weapons feel so out of place since they can almost instantly end your combo and the only thing you can really do is run at the and hope your combo doesn't end before you get to them. The rocket launcher enemies are especially bad because even when you successfully dodge their rockets, you'll still be hit by the explosion. These are just small issues and don't severely impact the enjoyment of the gameplay but I think if they were addressed then this would be a perfect game.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
