I'm a huge Saints Row fan, been playing the franchise for over a decade and loved all games prior to this one (yes, both before and after the huge direction change in SR3), and honestly... my disappointment in this game is immeasurable. Between the abysmally uninteresting characters who have literally no personality to the bland story with no sense of direction or creativity put into it to the unacceptable glitches and bugs, it is clear to me that Volition did not want to make a Saints Row game. This game is not written like a Saints Row game, it is not presented like a Saints Row game, and it certainly doesn't have the heart of a Saints Row game. It feels like the developers wanted to create an original game and just slapped Saints Row on the cover in hopes of selling more copies.

I find the characters absolutely dull and uninspired and the writing feels like it's a bunch of executives trying to sound "relatable" to kids. I've seen the word "sanitized" getting thrown around to describe this game and I absolutely agree. Everything feels censored, watered down, and "afraid" to do anything even slightly risque.

None of the missions were fun to play and while I like the idea of how the empire is built in this game, none of the ventures are actually fun to complete. Everything was repetitive, boring, and lacked any ounce of creativity that would've made 100%ing this game enjoyable. Oh, and the best part is that I couldn't even get the Platinum trophy because the game is so bugged that it can't track the Wingsuit and Collective challenges! But I guess promoting a line of various hot sauces is more of a priority than fixing the damn game.

I definitely think people are criticizing the wrong things when it comes to this game though. The game is an absolute trainwreck but those complaining about the driving controls or the gunplay clearly haven't ever played a Saints Row game before. The driving controls are some of the best in the series imo and I like the different upgrades that come with them. The gunplay is also pretty good but it's kinda fucked how much health the enemies have now. In prior games headshots were almost always one-hit kills but in this game you can shoot someone in the skull 5 times in a row and they'll still be standing as if nothing is wrong. The balance is an absolute mess and it's a wonder the playtesters thought this was actually passable. The ONLY reason I give this game a 1 star instead of a 0.5 is because at LEAST the game had a few moments where it felt like a Saints Row game, and again the driving and gunplay is decent.

I honestly pray that this reboot never gets a continuation or a sequel because this is a terrible direction that the franchise is headed in. I don't know if Volition just doesn't care anymore or if they GENUINELY believed this was the right decision for Saints Row, but if it's the latter then count me out; Until Saints Row can get its act together, I'm never playing this again and I CERTAINLY won't be picking up any of the sequels either.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

The driving controls are the best until I drive up an ankle high curb wrong and my car goes flying and flips over because the physics for driving are terrible.