I wasn't expecting this game to be very good but I was at least hoping that I'd actually enjoy playing it for a short while before I grew to resent it, but alas. This game was garbage from the moment I picked up the controller.

Each level has "segments" that you can't restart without instead restarting the level from the fucking beginning. I wish I knew that before I missed a ring and, wanting to attempt 100% like I did with the Monsters, Inc. game, I hit restart thinking it'd start the section I just missed a ring on and not the whole damn level because I really couldn't be bothered playing Level Fucking One from the fucking start again.
Not to mention the cutscenes are NOT SKIPPABLE.
All of these combined make me less likely to get all the collectables here, even if I really wanted to.

Why should I sit through all these cutscenes and go through everything a second, or maybe even third time for a handful of measley old rings? What's my reward? Is it worth getting in 2022?

The game itself is a series of floaty linear stages that take way too long to complete, but they are quite easy to breeze through, if you can even call it that.
The playable characters are super slow, it feels like they nerfed their walk speed to make the game take longer to finish.
You're not told about anything, either, you're basically thrown in at the deep end (no pun intended) with the world's vaguest instructions (the "Action Button"? It's SQUARE. Not X. SQUARE. When has the "Action Button" EVER been fucking SQUARE?).

The game has no sense of direction, one hit kills for days and is overall just a mess that irritates me to no end.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2022
