seriously love this game, it doesn't have a lot going on but there's so many little things that make the game so addicting. the inventory management is unmatched to any game i've played, it provides you with so much freedom to how you can organize things and you'll probably turn into a complete hoarder of guns/canned food/energy drinks. cleaning guns is so satisfying and it's hard not to spend all my money on cleaning supplies because i want to clean every gun i find. little details like being able to smoke cigarettes and eat food from the tins with your knife add a lot to the immersion, alongside some really great atmosphere in a setting that is no short of threatening. the enemies are creepy but don't provide a lot of variation in encounters, but i still feel like they keep me on my toes as they can do a lot of damage out of nowhere. the game runs very well on my quest 2 so i recommend anyone with a headset try this one out as it's definitely my favourite vr game i've played (as a person not really interested in vr in general) and one of the most unique survival horror games i've played.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
