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Ryuki's side was a lot more fun than Mizuki's, he was fun with Tama. Honestly it pisses me off how bad Ryuki was done by everybody in the game. It's no wonder he got so attached to Tama and Date when literally everybody else was not helpful at all!! They explain away his craziness but I would've gone crazy too if someone I loved died in front of me and then everybody else got mad at me for grieving. I also hated Gen - not only for enabling Ryuki's alcoholism but also for hiding information and his weird creepy relationship with Amame. If you think about it this game was really just a means of delivering Tama and Ryuki. It only gets a 40% because Tama and Ryuki were only relevant for like a third of the game. But what a good third it was...

It's kind of a nitpick, but I really hate whenever video game characters talk about things like quantum mechanics and its clear the writers do not know what they're talking about. As a physical chemist, wave-particle duality is practically my whole career. Everything Tokiko said about the double-slit experiment and uncertainty principle is sooooooo unbelievably wrong. If video games are feeding misinformation to the youth then us quantum theoreticians are never getting out of the trenches. Not that I was expecting the general public to ever have a solid grasp of what exactly the uncertainty principle means and how it is applied. It's really a personal issue because I can suspend my disbelief for everything except this

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
