Relogging this after finishing Vol F

Fucking Peak, it hit so fucking hard. Never have I thought I would have spent almost 16 hours straight on this one volume hooked and kept on playing even If I was tired. This game lets on more than what it actually is, and some people will actually give their honest opinion making it this far into this game which is Blue Archive actually being peak storytelling.

"Your life matters. Don't regret living.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be happy.

Thinking the only way to end your suffering is through death is terrible.

You weren't born to suffer.

And you shouldn't.

No child should ever feel that way.

If your world is filled with more pain than happiness...

If you're wandering the world feeling like you don't belong in it...

That's not your fault.

It's the fault of the world you live in and the people responsible for it.

No one person should ever carry the entire weight of the world on their shoulders... especially not a child.

No matter how many horrible things you've done, no matter how many unforgivable offenses you've committed...

It should NEVER be that way.

It's not your responsibility.

That duty should fall to the adults in your life.

...I'll be the one to take responsibility."

RE Aoharu changed me. Thank You Blue Archive.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2024
