what makes this game the truest and most genuine homage to 90s fantasy ovas and pc98 eroge, beyond even how much it nails the art, costuming, music and archetypes of the era, is that it is not only willing, but ecstatic to indulge in the things that make its inspirations offputting to modern art-as-sandblasted-product sensibilities (without ever being cruel). it's one of many aspects that make this title so effusively likeable and it is exactly why its been relegated to the 18-only corners of digital games storefronts and why you'll likely only hear about it from word of mouth. such is life in a culture so tightly wound in its relationship to things like sex! the game is absolutely lovely. couldnt believe how much was packed into this little thing. it just feels so rich and so complete.

but yeah basically the beast is my joker. doing a chippai salute rn

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
