I wanted so much to like this game, I was incredibly excited for it all the way from its first announcement up to its release, but it was just. So disappointing. It wants to be Dead Space and System Shock and all those other enormously successful sci-fi survival horror games, but has nothing unique or original enough to make nearly as big a mark. Combat is rough and frustrating even on the easiest difficulty, and takes up large chunks of the game that leave you wandering without direction or narrative; little of what you're actually doing is elucidated, and you end up feeling like you're just following way points and button prompts, rather than actually uncovering any sort of story. Jacob is perhaps the most boring protagonist I've ever encountered.

When I thought I was maybe halfway through the game, it ended. Just started rolling credits. Whatever the inevitable sequel is, it's not worth it to me to finish whatever the hell this started. At least not worth another $60.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
