Fantastic sequel, built off a preexisting framework, BUT it also introduces some series staples here. Air dashing would become synonymous with leg parts, until becoming a built-in feature in X7 and X8, and the giga attack was introduced. I don’t necessarily USE the giga attack, but the very concept that made X5’s boss rush tolerable (nova strike) is born from this staple and that’s worth a mention. Good stage design, fun routing, generally more precise platforming which mostly hits. There are a lot of ways you can work around backtracking while still following the weakness chain and yeah, it rules for that. Lots of fun tech here. Why am I docking it half a star? Most of the weapons SUCK. I got some use from the sonic slicer and speed burner is pretty great for platforming, but that’s about it. You can do some platforming with strike chain, too, but jesus christ it’s jank. Also some boss fights can just be so slow, like Wheel Gator taking forever to show himself or Crystal Snail murdering framerate. Still, a great sequel even if it doesn’t wow me quite as much as the first game.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
