This title is a classic that holds its ground very well, and this may be the best (and most accessible) version out there to experience it, with the option to switch between the old or new versions of both soundtrack and character art. The old character sprites and art are so full of charm and personality that I feel really add to the experience (in comparison, the new anime-moe ones may be more 'modern' but aren't nearly as good in my opinion). The characters themselves are quite charming and do their job well, easily inmersing you in their world, their village, their worries and happenings, all through their dialogue, relationships and interactions. If I had to point out a downside to this, it'd be that all three main heroines are quite endearing and I can't bring myself to choose which one is my favourite lol.
The soundtrack isn't the best thing I've ever heard in a videogame, but it definitely has some solid good tunes that made me want to stay in the areas they played just to listen to them even if only for a bit longer. This is certainly more the case with 'chill' tracks such as village/field themes and so on, but some of the more action-suited ones were really to my liking too.
The rest of the game isn't without its problems, namely the dungeon layout design, but it can be easily solved with an outside-sourced map and/or a guide, which I don't mind at all.
Even having been familiar with Ys Origin first and basically having completely spoiled myself of all the important events and lore of this story, and being someone who can't be bothered to sit through something I already know the 'twists' of, I still got a very good experience and found myself very much enjoying these two truly great games regardless.

Reviewed on May 18, 2023
