While going through cheap games to check out, I picked up this title. It's a minimalist arcade game where you shoot enemies and cut them up in equal measure. It's best described as a mix between Hotline Miami, Vampire Survivors, and Ultrakill (the latter two releasing after Ubermosh).

The voice over that you hear in the trailer is present when you first load the game too. He genuinely sounds like a mix between Morgan Freeman and David Attenborough. Any time you switch game modes or play the game for the first time, you'll hear him. "The colony provides us everything... except for violence, that... we still find on the deserts of Ultakaar, if you get hurt... you'll be teleported back and wake up in one piece. For now, welcome to Ubermosh."

The enemies are varied and there is some tactics, but it's just the bare minimum. It's one of the shorter games you'll end up playing, and evidently, me too.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
