What frustrates me the most about T2 for NES is how much of a vast improvement it is over the first NES Terminator game. The graphics definitely fit the tone of the film more and the character portraits are awesome. The music is also in the upper tier of NES soundtracks for me, really sets the mood nicely. This is all ultimately undermined by the gameplay which, while not as atrocious as the first game, leaves much to be desired. Combat can get monotonous which is frustrating for a game based on an action flick, and some sequences are way too difficult than they should be, especially for a game that gives you 4 lives and no(?) continues (I think at some point I managed to get a continue of some sort but that's it). I ended up finishing the game using save states but unlike the original I would play this again and try to beat it without save states. T2 is one of my all time favorite films so it sucks that this game had so much potential but ended up being just shy of decent.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2022
