Fascinating piece, funny while also considerably darker/more serious than I expected for a game about Sherlock Holmes's dog that references Great Mouse Detective. (Violent human and animal deaths, sex work, drug use, among other things. Also, the dog says fuck.) I initially struggled with how smelling worked, and was very grateful for "sharpened" (easy) mode and the various quality-of-life mechanics, because even with it on I often missed nouns that had been implemented. And what a staggering amount there are! It's impressive how far you can explore. Great example of what can be accomplished with conceptual-map style IF.

A few of the clues are tantamount to verbal pixel hunting--you really are expected to investigate EVERY noun, and there is one place in particular where several crucial clues are gated by a noun where there is no indication it leads to what it leads to. On the bright side, Holmes has already solved the case, so you can always brute-force a solution and then play again to try and ferret out some of those details (as I did).

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2022
