game got better over time, but throughout all of it, it constantly reeks of tumblr. the art is nice, story as well (though it constantly confusingly changes between the tone in scenes, like a fun goofy scene instantly to a sad one, and vice versa, often due to one specific character. this can be good, like in lisa, but here its just shit), characters kinda suck, the gameplay loop is interesting and fun at least at the start (though not gonna give it props for the literal RPS combat), then it really starts to drag, the pacing gets clapped, and it feels like you're playing a manual endless eight, and you start to see the flaws in the time warp mechanic.

it's fun at least half the time, and the game obviously has quality attached to it, but it's flawed and very gay

Reviewed on May 12, 2024

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this man played a billion videoagme