It's like one big escape room. Some really good mysteries and flipping of the script, but also it does get really repetitive after a while, especially if you miss something crucial.

Additionally, as will probably come to light with future comments, it has one pretty obvious fatal flaw - there is no back button. And it's pretty near inexcusable. I gave it a pass for the first few hours, because I thought it was going to use this lack of back button in gameplay, but it really doesn't. There is no reason not to have a back button, especially since so many of these pieces of media take so long to access with the lack of one.

Anyway, the central mystery is pretty entertaining, and I always adore a game that requires you to have a notepad nearby. It communicates a lot of its puzzles very cleanly, but some of them seem to just be "oh, okay, this number goes here too", without too much of a reason why they should be linked, other than "well, you haven't used it yet, so you might as well try to put it there".

Again, I do think this is a great game (3.5/5 for me), but there are quite a few flaws holding back what would otherwise be an incredibly innovative staple of the puzzle genre.

Just because my above comment seems more negative than my overall opinion of it might be - it's a very interesting game. Check it out if you like escape rooms, and if you don't mind backtracking and an annoying lack of back button. If you crave what is overall quite a high level of quality escape room puzzles, with a central mystery that is dark and surreal, then this is the game for you.

I definitely was thrilled by it to start off with, but there were just too many hitches that by the end, it far outstayed its welcome. BUT I still enjoyed it a lot and may have binged it over an entire weekend, but there were plenty of times I was just throwing my hands up into the air in disbelief.

Play it if you like escape rooms and don't mind the possibility of getting stuck, or some light flow issues.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
