Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an example of a game that has received far too little love from the creators. At the same time, this game could have become a cult classic, because the idea and presentation of the game world is really good. However, the fact that so many elements were not finished or badly designed at the stage of preliminary assumptions shows how poorly the creators know today's gaming realities and the needs of players. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a game that I finished and platinumed with pleasure, even though there were many problems, because there is really something to explore, but I will never play it again. It's just not a very nice thing to do when a game costs PLN 300 and even if you don't look at the microtransactions (which, by the way, I never felt I had to buy anything during the game), it's just blatantly obvious how little the creators were involved in the production of the game. And it's not even that it lacks polish and can be fixed with a patch, the problems are often design-related, deep in the game's code and can't be fixed. In the age of such productions as Baldur's Gate 3, or the previously mentioned Skyrim and Mass Effect, releasing a game like Dragon’s Dogma 2 by a major studio for that price is simply a shame. All that remains for Dragon’s Dogma 2 is to kiss the feet of good RPGs, because it will never stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

Full Review:

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2024
