This game has a lot of high highs and a lot of low lows and is extremely up it's own ass in a lot of ways that are good and bad. I've never played this before, but I've watched other people play it many times over, and I think playing it for myself has given me an overall greater appreciation for what it is.

That being said I have one big criticism, besides the fact that the people behind this game don't know how to write women, but I think everyone can agree on that point. And that criticism is that it is trying to be political but comes off half-baked in it's beliefs. The game understands (in excuciating detail) a lot of what is wrong with the world and it knows the only way we can truly improve is to move beyond capitalism. But what does it think that system should be replaced with? An uncommitted shrug and platitudes about how the next generation can figure it out. It's very baby boomer liberal in that sense.

This is also a game where a cyborg ninja can use a sword with it's feet and you can accidentally break the dick off a statue and the villain makes his submarine secret base look like a replica of mount rushmore except it has the faces of the man he loved and his three terrible adult sons, but that's neither here nor there.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
