(gba era baby)

binding blade is the first step into the GBA era of the fire emblem games and i think it's an alright entry. nothing mind blowing, but generally a good time

kind of the same fire emblem story rehash? prince finds his kingdom in a shitty spot, turns out an evil guy is working with an evil dragon to dominate the world and we need to save it

but the flashy animations, vibrant colors and cool music make up for it by adding a flair that the older FE titles didn't have, and i think it's pretty cool. although an issue is suffers from is the infamous 1-2 range sweep that plagues majority of FE titles from this era. some maps are just way too big for their own good as well

roy also sucks cock. he's such a shitty unit lol

but as a start? its a good one. not too shabby

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
