It's a fun quick game to blast through in a couple of sittings, but I've always found the direction rather confused. It feels like it can't decide if it wants to be Uncharted or a survival horror game and if it wants to be open world or not open world, so it ends up being an awkward mix of all of those things. The game also seems obsessed with portraying a darker, more violent take on Lara to the point where the gameplay consists almost entirely of brutally killing evil cult men and tomb raiding is pushed to the side. The tomb exploration is limited to completely optional caves off the beaten path that take about five minutes each to complete.

While I haven't played any of the earlier games in the series, they appear to be more about exploration and platforming and I never got the impression that violence was the point. I would have enjoyed more focus on exploration in this game, but at least the sequel expanded on it. I enjoyed this game as a cinematic third person shooter, but it always struck me as an odd direction for a reboot.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
