The best FPS I've ever played and I doubt anything will top it.

I think some of the disappointment I see comes from having expectations that are impossible to meet. This game got something of a mythical reputation based on its "underrated" status from its release being overshadowed by more popular FPS franchises. But now everyone knows it's good and it's no longer underrated; it's appropriately rated but the hype levels got too high and now some players go in expecting something different. Don't go in expecting to have your mind blown, and you'll get a tight punchy FPS campaign that's just the right length.

I love this game so much because it's just plain fun. I wish more shooters would have Mirror's Edge style movement abilities. The movement really makes this game stand out from other shooters and is the main reason I find this game infinitely replayable. Titans feel exactly as gigantic and destructive as you'd expect and the slow but powerful titan combat works surprisingly well alongside zipping around as a pilot. The different styles seem disparate but complement each other perfectly.

The story is simple but competently executed. The bond I formed with BT was touching and it's all this game really needed. I think some people's expectations for the story get out of hand.

I think the game's length is perfect. There's no filler and it goes out with a bang. A more typical length doesn't benefit every game.

The multiplayer is also a ton of fun, but sadly the Oceanic servers are rarely busy anymore.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
