I think this game is actually underhated. Not overrated, but specifically doesn't get enough hate. People seem to give it a pass because it's a part of the OG SNES trilogy but it's so much worse. The level design takes a huge nosedive. The crush and spike deaths are so incredibly excessive. So many spike deaths were due to spikes being outside of the player's field of view. FOV was never a huge problem in the previous games so I don't know what compelled the devs to design levels this way. The weapons aren't fun. Secret methods of progression require so much backtracking. The soundtrack wasn't memorable. If you're playing this on the X Legacy Collection like I did, there's also the input lag and password save problems, among other things. If you want to play this game, use whatever handicap/easy modes are at your disposal and try and blaze through it as fast as you can. Don't waste any more time than you need to with this game.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2022
