Absolutely incredible experience and a great value. for 14.99 USD you essentially get 3 games; the core dungeon crawler experience, the gladiator manager sim, and the training minigame.

It can take some time to get used to the combat and the flow of motions but put in the practice and you'll surely be impressed.

My only issue is with some of the footwork when navigating harrowing spaces in the dungeon crawl. I've lost a few runs to a misstep into the void.

Not only that but there are many puzzles that require you to move objects to build bridges but the object moving process is tedium incarnate. You'll find yourself getting stuck on doors trying to move a bench from one room to another.

The latter is the most frustrating as moving and placing objects with left-click is an integral part of the experience; finding hidden notes under boxes, hitting a loot spot on the other side of a collapsed walkway -- you'd think they would have hammered out some of the bugs by now.

If you can look past that, you're in for a real treat. Enjoy!

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
