As someone that enjoyed Yoshi's Woolly World on the Wii U, I was pretty excited to go into this title. Overall the game retained it's adorable charm and presentation that made the predecessor so fantastic. While it has some bloody clever level design, in some areas more than the prior game, it overall doesn't have the consistent feeling of "this is awesome!" that I got from Woolly World. It almost feels as if 3/4 of the way through they just wanted to get this out on shelves. Some of the best design ideas get used once in a level and then never revisited. To be fair I feel this is more just a rating based upon knowing that they could have presented a more developed game. I got the sense while playing it that the devs were really enjoying what they were making and getting really inventive, and then after I beat it I was left pondering the serious amount of unrealized potential that was present. I genuinely hope they do another one in this game series for the Switch and this time give it the kind of treatment we would expect from something like say Yoshi's Island. Good job, but I know you can do better.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2020
