There was a time in high school where I would buy pretty much anything Star Wars. That unfortunately included this game. This is one of two PS1 fighters (the other being D&D, but that's a story for another time) that I can honestly say ruined my hype for fighting games. I was so into fighting games I was playing each one as they hit the arcade (R.I.P. Aladdin's Castle) and would rent them as they hit console to see if I should buy them. Wish I would've done that here but it was scratching two different fanboy itches. Where to begin. The controls in this game make the controls from Resident Evil (the original, not the remake) feel well polished and refined. It is horrible trying to execute any of the special moves. The balancing is pure nonsense. The graphics were forgettable, which is pretty astonishing given the roll that LucasArts had been on before this. The amount of resources thrown at this game's development is mind boggling once you lay hands on the finished product. Don't let them fool you either, this game had the full disposal of ILM and they settled on releasing this. I'll save you the trouble, go play Star Gladiator. It is better in literally every respect as a fighting game while appeasing any requirement for the Sci-Fi genre.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2020
