This left me very... whelmed. Not underwhelmed; it's definitely not bad at all, and has some good parts to it. Not overwhelmed, either; not much in terms of fresh new concepts is brought to the table here. Just whelmed. It's... fine.

Gravel is a pretty bland and uninspired, but competently made and content-heavy racer with lots of tracks and cars to drive with. The controls are generally responsive, the graphics are pretty nice and detailed, and the track design gets the job done. There's just nothing particularly special about the experience; no spice, no secret sauce that really makes it unique. You want an okay racing game and nothing else? Then buy Gravel, because that's all you're gonna get, damn it.

I have some other issues with it; the physics engine is a bit wonky, often times causing my car to get flung in the air from a slight incline, there were a few bugs that, while not game-breaking, were definitely annoying, and the one original mode to its name, Smash-Up, is more frustrating than fun due to its randomized nature. But other than those issues... it's fine. Perfectly adequate. You'll play it, maybe get the Platinum trophy, have an alright time, then proceed to forget everything about it a week after you're done with it.

It would probably make for a pretty good podcast game, though.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
