Risk of Rain 2 made me fall in love with roguelites, a genre I have been trying to get into for a while now. It's so much fun and filled with a slick cast of characters who all play nearly nothing alike. The item system is simple yet surprisingly deep, and the multitude of combinations gives way to near infinite builds and possibilities. This leaves room for you to learn and break the game and its systems as you please. Limitations are few and far between, and you'll ultimately only be limited by your own time and how long your computer can survive. There's so much diversity in different routes and things to do, and it's all wrapped up in one charming package. There is always more to discover around every corner. It's great in multiplayer and excellent alone, and I have had way more fun with this game than I ever thought possible.

The modding scene is excellent on PC once you feel comfortable diving into it, giving way to endless hours of fun. This game has taken over my life for the past month and a half, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've only just logged this now that I've beaten all 3 endings and got all the characters, and I'm fiending to dive back in for the 100%. I think the devs might've slipped crack between the lines of code.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2024
