To me, the digital version of Meanwhile is unimpressive compared to the physical book. The priority of the interactive comic, I've come to feel, is that of innovation. It seems impossible to create a multi-threaded choose-your-own adventure within a physical book while maintaining such a large scope; but Jason Shiga, the artist, does so anyway. If you have any interest, I would really recommend at least looking up how the book works. I've never seen anything like it. In turn, however, the achievement of the book positions the digital version in a less interesting light.

Both formats uphold the integrity and validity of the story, but I can't help but feel only mildly impressed at the digital alternative. The premise for its experience has been done before and will certainly be done again, but thankfully the story isn't compromised. At the very least, there's an argument to be made that both formats offer a unique experience. The digital version blurs panels of the story you haven't reached yet and tracks your path progress, whereas the book leads you to different pages that house panels from different routes. They both offer different experiences with the same story and art, which in and of itself is a little impressive.

Overall, I had a fun time with Meanwhile. It's a short, sweet, simplistically captivating ride done through an interesting conduit format. It makes me want to read more of Jason Shiga's work, but this is a video game review site, so I'll shut up here.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2022
