It's really good don't get me wrong it definitely has its flaws, with the biggest one being in the climax of the story. In order for you to enter the last dungeon you have to be level 50 and the Main Scenario Quests tend to give you enough XP to keep up with the story HOWEVER you gotta grind (I know it's stupid to complain about grinding in an RPG specially as an RPG fan but ARR made the one time where you HAVE to grind extremely tedious) about 2/3 levels to keep playing the story and your best chance is either daily roulettes or farming the same level 41 dungeon a bunch of times.

That one issue aside that made me drop the game to a 4.5 it's still fun. Although make sure to play with friends so you can get the best experience possible, even better if they're sprouts (Essentially new players with a little plant next to their name) because getting to experience even the "worst" part of this game with friends is a fuck ton of fun.

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023
