I think this was my second time through the campaign. I don't really have a lot to say about this one. The ways they tie it into the Tom Clancy game universe are kind of neat. They try to play up the notion that you're in an experimental/fancy squadron with the latest kit, and what that often boils down to is sections of missions where you have to fly through gates displayed by your ERS system, which the sequel mercifully cuts down on. The ERS sections are kind of janky and not altogether fun.

What is not janky and is extremely fun is the assistance off flight mode, which zooms out the camera, fixes it right-side up, and increases the maneuverability of your aircraft in order to better attack and defend yourself. Truly, flying in assistance off mode is the pinnacle of console flight combat games, in my opinion. It feels the most nimble and rewarding for talented pilots, even if it is at times a little tricky to steer with the camera not following you around! It's still tops though, and it also looks awwwwwesome when you do it.

I recall the story being kind of goofy and not memorable or particularly well executed, but it's probably Fine™. The graphics look pretty solid, but they also seem kind of flat to me. Ace Combat 6, a game three years its junior, continues to look better, but in a way I can't explain. Maybe if I compared them side by side.

Anyway, a good play for flight combat fans, but it's not going to win any converts. Worth playing for assistance off mode alone.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2020
