Have you ever been on a call with someone playing League of Legends? Have you ever watched them queue up for game after game as their mental sharply declines, despite whether they'd won or lost? Is this time spent in fulfillment and joy, or blind self-mutilation of one's own psyche? I wish only the best for all the lost souls out there this very moment, begging for a dodge in champ select chat before they've even seen the load screen. May you all have the power to AFK when, by god's blessed will, it strikes you that this isn't a fun game, and hasn't been since you reached your 1 year anniversary.

Log into this game to shitpost in /ALL chat, fuck around when URF or One For All are out, and try not to dwell on Riot taking the Crystal Scar away from us. Do not play ranked. Do not play to win games. Get high as fuck and noob out.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
