I really enjoyed my time with this game although being the first game in the series it does have some issues that later games do not. The thing that annoyed me the most was the Pikmin's ai, they are really stupid in this game there were so many times when I was moving and I suddenly realise none of my guys are with me because they're either A: plucking grass, B: stuck in a corner or under a bridge, or C: they all killed themselves by either running right into enemies or water. I also wasn't a fan of the time limit, it didn't effect me as I beat the game on day 25 and I don't know anyone who ran out of time but I still would prefer if you could take as much time as you want. Overall despite my complaints it's still a great game.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

shitty pikmin AI is good actually