I had a pretty good time playing this game. The first couple of cases were pretty basic, the answer to "Who dun it?" is pretty apparent or revealed too early. Even though the game was originally made for the GBA, I think it is remastered quite well for modern platforms, the controls are intuitive and the performance is solid.

Solving the cases felt a lot like trial and error to me or there was a deus ex machina blowing the case wide open and not many eureka-feeling moments that I was looking for
Except the last case, now that one was a roller coaster ride,
I really loved the addition of 3D elements and combing through videos in that final case, really felt I was solving a case instead of blindly going through every option to find what unlocks the next stage of the case

A lot of frustration while figuring out how exactly the game wanted me to proceed was subdued a lot with the excellent soundtrack that I even listen to outside of the game at moments and the pleasant artwork and animations, some of the expressions Edgeworth or Mia makes are hilarious and still stick around in my thoughts lol

the characters are the highlight of this game truly for me. they are fun to hang out with or interview, people who either put their personalities on their sleeve or are really bad at hiding their true motives lol

Overall, it was an enjoyable time and I am excited to continue playing the series. But I feel this type of game would truly shine if it allowed me to progress making incomplete findings and making incorrect assumptions and eventually failing a case spectacularly and the consequent mystery of finding out what went wrong. As of now, it's a very guided experience with very little chance that you'll fail a case

I had a pretty good time playing this game. The first couple of cases were pretty basic, the answer to "Who dun it?" is pretty apparent or revealed too early. Even though the game was originally made for the GBA, I think it is remastered quite well for modern platforms, the controls are intuitive and the performance is solid. I played on a PS5.

Solving the cases felt a lot like trial and error to me or there was a deus ex machina blowing the case wide open and not many eureka-feeling moments that I was looking for, but the story and characters were engaging enough to keep me going. I had a lot of frustrating moments trying to figure out how exactly the game wanted me to proceed, I feel it would have been better if the game allowed me to proceed to the next stage whenever I wanted not railroaded into doing the very specific thing the game wants me to do to progress.

Except for that last case though, now that one was a roller coaster ride, a revelation that happened to me around halfway through the case that I did not see coming at all but was so obvious in hindsight still sticks around in my thoughts as I write this. It really felt I was solving a case instead of blindly going through every option to find what unlocks the next stage of the case. I also really loved the addition of 3D elements and combing through the videos section in that final case
The excellent soundtrack elevates key moments in the game and I even listen to them outside of the game at moments and the pleasant artwork and animations bring it all together, some of the expressions Edgeworth or Mia makes are hilarious and still stick around in my thoughts lol. I would have liked a "Retro Mode" that made the game look and sound more like how it would on original hardware because I think the artwork is drawn for that resolution and display and some of the charm is lost with the upscaling the developers have done for this remaster.

The characters are the highlight of this game truly for me. they are fun to hang out with or interview, people who either put their personalities on their sleeve or are really bad at hiding their true motives lol

Overall, it was an enjoyable time and I am excited to continue playing the series. I feel people who like figuring out the narrative would like this game. It's no outer wilds but its stands tall nonetheless. But I feel this type of game would truly shine if it allowed me to progress making incomplete findings and making incorrect assumptions and eventually failing a case spectacularly and the consequent mystery of finding out what went wrong. As of now, it's a very guided experience with very little chance that you'll fail a case

This game is just pure fan service
Loved every second of the game, all the references and teases kept me grinning ear to ear
The gameplay kept me engaged all the way through and the game didn't overstay its welcome