I really enjoyed my time with Tell Me Why. Alyson and Tyler Ronan were grand characters and Dontknod really expanded them throughout the episodes and their bond felt meaningful.

Their journey unpacking their mother's house in Alaska is unraveling as they go through and relive their childhood memories. Which invested me in their story and the mystery of their mother.

Gameplay wise is quite simple as usual for a Dontknod game. Talking with various side characters, making tough choices, and having collectibles to get. The movement could be a bit weird at times, but nothing too crazy.

Really enjoyed the collectibles in this game! Probably more than anything in Life is Strange. They each represented a story from Alyson's and Tyler's childhood. So they felt connected to the story in that way. As you hear them through various fairy-tale type of stories.

The choices are my only gripe I think. There were meaningful ones, but I didn't really feel meaning in others. Or I forgot what I did really at times, until the game told me in the choices recap.

Really enjoyed my time with Tell Me Why and really loved the characters of Tyler and Alyson Ronan!

(Review from 2021)

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023
