I’m not a Call of Duty hater. I’ve played most if not all of the games and enjoyed many of the ones I’ve played. Warzone has, without a doubt, become the worst of them all. It’s plagued from top to bottom with technical issues, from constant hard freezes to guns that bug out randomly to textures that don’t ever load properly in every. single. match I play. But what makes Warzone truly abhorrent now is the amount of obvious cheating that has permeated the game and transported it beyond being a lost cause to the nether regions of the unsalvageable. It’s the worst case of blatant hacking I’ve ever seen in the history of gaming. Activision/Infinity Ward actively lie about it too with claims of bans that very clearly aren’t happening and slapping bullshit smokescreens like the new “Ricochet” anti-cheat system into the game that don’t do jack (it’s called Ricochet because when you report a cheater the report ricochets off the dev that receives it and into the trash). It’s an anger-inducing absolute failure of a multiplayer experience that would have to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up to fix its problems. But as the player base falls off in large swaths monthly because they’re tired of all the fuckery I’m sure nerfing the accuracy on some SMG no one uses will bring them back. I’m happily done with and deleting Warzone now as my nephews and I prepare to start Dying Light 2. Good riddance.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2022
