Before the closure of the Nintendo eshop, I wanted to re-download some of the old games I had as a kid. I remember I was really addicted to this game when I was about 10 years old, but I don't remember it being so bizarre.

This game is a platform game where you can create your own characters using various available parts and shapes. You can create anything from cute little creatures to absolute abominations. If that isn't already fun, you can also give them a voice and some of the voice settings sound so cursed yet, it's endearing in a way. Your own little monster can run freely in the FreakyForms world that you create. You can also customize the world itself and change the colors around it. The platform gameplay is as predictable as it sounds. All you do is use your character or "Formees", as they're called in the game, to collect coins and eat fruits. You can explore land, underwater, and inside caves and even open treasure chests.

Honestly, this game doesn't really have anything beyond just that. The main selling point is that you can create your own characters, but honestly it can be a bit limiting with the shapes and colors that are available, but it's still some good and honest fun and there are still ways to get pretty creative with the shapes. This game is probably more fun to kids than adults, and I think I am a living testament of that. I remember I spent hours on this game when I was 10, but 12 years later upon redownloading it, I find it a lot less entertaining. I am no longer part of the target demographic, so I can't really talk bad about it, but if you ask my 10 year old self, she would give it a solid 4.5 stars. It's a fun game to waste some time on and get a couple laughs out of, but you might not reach for it very often at all.

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
